Kicking off 14th July 2023, Ozzie ran 337.73km from Canberra to Sydney while dribbling a soccer ball, setting a new World Record in the process. He then then joined fans and friends in an attempt to break a 2nd World Record for the most people simultaneously dribbling a soccer ball (2068).

Although the final number of participants fell short of the required 2068, we would like to thank the 1000+ crowd of people who came together as a community to cheer Ozzie home and attempt to break the World Record. The atmosphere was electric, the energy was incredible and the positive impact will last a lifetime.

Keep an eye out as we continue to create motivational and educational content on our YouTube channel, and thank you to both new and devoted fans for following our journey throughout the World Cup Record event. 

Stay tuned and stay keen, there’s always more exciting things happening with Ozzie For Kids.

Together, with your help, we were able to raise an amazing $55,388.12 which has contributed to helping underprivileged kids receive access to sport and health programs.

A massive thank you for joining us in our mission to promote healthy living and inclusivity in sports!

With love and appreciation,

(Scott and Dylan)


Event Highlights

July 14 2023
Run started in Canberra with
the kick-off at Parliament House

July 14-20 2023
Running for
7 days straight, covering over 43km/day (ultra marathon every day for 7 days)

Community engagement
Ozzie made a visit to Fernhill Football Club, visiting fans and spreading messages of positivity

July 20 2023
Arrived in Sydney, to a crowd of 1000+, setting a new World Record for longest journey dribbling a soccer ball 337.73km

It is Ozzie’s ultimate goal to inspire kids to get active and live a healthy lifestyle. Throughout this event, we raised funds via public donations for sporting equipment and programs for kids living in remote and underprivileged communities in Australia, as well as supporting kids with a disability to get into sport.

Charity Partners

We are excited to work alongside our charity partners for the World Cup Record event. 

Our shared goal is to empower and inspire kids across Australia to lead active, healthy lives and we have been able to raise significant funds to support the wonderful work these two organisations do.

Fair Game

Our vision is to create an equitable, healthier and sustainable Australia, by delivering unique health & fitness programs and recycled sports equipment to remote and under-serviced communities.

We work with communities, building their capacity to promote healthy lifestyle choices which reduce the risk of lifestyle related disease, build social cohesion and improve mental well-being.

Learn more about Fair Game

Sport Access Foundation

Helping Aussie kids with a disability to play and participate in sport.

Sport Access Foundation offers grants to Australian children with a disability, so that they have an opportunity to play and participate in sport. These grants can be used for any project that helps to build participation in sport and to ensure that no-one gets left on the sidelines.

Learn more about Sport Access Foundation

Big thanks to you and the support of our amazing sponsors.

Thank you for joining us in our mission to promote healthy living and inclusivity in sports.

• Reach more kids with positive messages and be the spark that helps them try something new
• Motivate kids to aim high, set a goal, get started & stay keen until they achieve it
• Prove that you don’t have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great
• Show kids that anything is possible
• Promote healthy living and inclusivity in sports

With your support, we have been able to: