Educational Videos For Kids

Sparking curiosity and igniting passion in kids

Ozzie is an Australian kids entertainer and creator of educational video content that aims to spark curiosity and ignite passion in kids. Our videos are designed to entertain, excite, engage and most importantly, educate kids aged 2-10 years. 

Ozzie lives by the key messages: be curious, give everything a go, and always stay keen!

For guilt free screen time, our video topics are varied, interesting and fun, but always with key learnings and experiences at the heart. From sports to science, healthy eating to how stuff works, jobs to just about anything that kids love! All content is presented in an approachable, authentically Aussie way, which kids across Australia and the world love to watch over and over again. And teachers love to use as a resource in the classroom.

Ozzie keeps everyone entertained and educated, encouraging all to keep learning.

Guiding Principles

  • You’re never fully dressed without a smile, and Ozzie is always wearing his – always loving what he’s doing.

  • Ozzie is a friend of yours and he’s a friend of mine. Authentic, real and naturally engaging.

  • With a thirst for learning, Ozzie’s energy towards finding out about new subjects and understanding how things work, is infectious.

  • Kids are like sponges – help them love to learn, by delivering content in a fun, infectious way. At the same time, Ozzie will continue to learn and grow, always refining the process in which we deliver content and always open to doing things better.

  • Ozzie loves to work together with people in the community, helping pass on knowledge and skills learned from the people who love what they do.

  • “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” Don’t stop until Ozzie is on every kid’s TV – the world will be a better place as a result, and the future a whole lot brighter.

Watch Ozzie Episodes

Watch Ozzie Episodes

Ozzie has over 200 episodes on YouTube. Click below to see some of our most popular ones now.